Dear Users,
Based on our survey discounting the FREE option, there are about 50% who would chose to pay. We are going to try to bring back Cepeceng. The pay site option will be start at USD 10 per month. If we get over 200 paying users each month, we will reduce the monthly to USD 5.
Give us 1-2 months to start this operation back.
Thank you,
Cepeceng Team
asikkkk..can't wait to subscribe! but please have "up to date" magazines more often, and prestige + indo tatler pleaseeee ...Thanks!!!
I am happy to pay for the access.
But with all your respect, could we have a consistent service as a paying customer and not have the site closed and back up again repeatedly? I mean you could adjust your cost and the charge incurred to us as a paying customers.
After it is ready, kindly inform all the members.
Thank you!
Fine with me too. Will look forward to having Cepeceng back.
Dear Cepeceng Admin,
Ide kalian sangat bagus. Tetapi kembali musti ada plan. Kalian skrg ada dimana? Indonesia atau diluar.
Kalau berminat kita mungkin bisa saling tukar pikiran dan pandangan business.
Kalau masih berminat hubungi saya..saya juga pernah contact lewat myspace cuma saya tidak ingat kelanjutannya.
contact saya di
Yes, I don't mind paying at all for $10 as long it is being updated constantly.
I feel that when you first opened up, you had a great momentum happening. It is just that, when you closed down and re-opened, there was only old news that was not as attractive as before.
Keep up the good work.
kapan cepeceng operates lagi? bisa request majalah2 favorit ga?
gmana tuh mas???
aye bisa download majalah gratis ga???
gmana tuh mas, saya bisa download majalah gratis ga??
gmana tuh mas???
saya bisa download majalah gratis ga???
ear, dear Friends,
Maaf ya....kok aku ketinggalan info gini?
aku baru tau klo aktif lagi.
Tolong....gimana caranya mo jadi member. Bayar juga engga apa2 yang penting gak kemahalan.
Jaman gini, di mana2 susah. Mo gratis susah kali ya.
Plisss...minta info nya ya.
mana pak, kapan nih up lagi service-nya? I wouldn't mind if I have to pay :-)
1 to 2 months, it's been more than that nothing happened.
can we trust this site??
I don't mind paying $5/month
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