Dear Cepeceng Users,
We have to temporarily close this site, due to unfortunate action of harvesting of content by community member.
During this difficult time, we have to determine, how we can generate income to help cover the cost, a few of our users decided to waste our bandwidth by creating masive traffic.
This increased our cost tremendously.
Unless it is justified by getting revenue of about USD 1000 a month, we can not continue this site.
We will decide to return this site under few condition:
1. 100 users at USD 10 per month
2. Only those who sign up and paid will have access.
3. You can not use any downloader software.
You are welcome to send email or paypal your donation to
If in the next 30 days we can get 100 at USD 10 or 200 at USD 5 paying users, then we will return the site back to service with limited access to those who pay.
Unfortunately to serve these paying members appropriately, we will not have FREE service anymore.
masa gak bisa free? kan admin cepeceng udah kaya???
bagi bagi rejeki lah ....
Everything comes with a price. I prefer the way it was when people can 'donate'.
sadly, many publishers wouldn't get along with cepeceng's proposal.
saya setuju kalo harus berbayar tapi pake harga rasio ajah yang terjangkau... memang kacau nih orang indonesia maunya gratis melulu.... padahal ngebajak juga pake uang juga yah .... gue yang berprinsip yang penting tetap jalan tapi harga harus bener2 murah.. toh kalo murah juga gue gak keberatan
kalau dibawah $5 bisa ga ya? aku mau siy...
Cepeceng is not a volunteer website, it's a business. Business that only runs with expenses. Whether it's salaries, scanners or copyrights cepeceng deserves to be paid by its readers.
I say bring cepeceng back and I am willing to pay 10 dollars for it but cepeceng needs to make the website better and running it like a pro.
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