Cover Ongkos-ongkos...?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I would like to apologize to those who are waiting since 2008 for us to bring this back. Since November 2008, the US economic situation has gone to the toilet and looks like it is still flushing.
We simply can't justify to bring this back for the mean time. But the question is still out there.

Should we or not restart this operation?

In the mean time, all contents are still available online. Please do not abuse or leech it. Bandwidth are not free. We are still paying for the hundred of Gigabytes for space, and network.

We live in USA, far away from Indonesia. We missed home. Not all of us can afford to go home everytime we misses home. can be a band aid to sooth our heart...

Let us know what you think...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dear Users,

Based on our survey discounting the FREE option, there are about 50% who would chose to pay. We are going to try to bring back Cepeceng. The pay site option will be start at USD 10 per month. If we get over 200 paying users each month, we will reduce the monthly to USD 5.

Give us 1-2 months to start this operation back.

Thank you,
Cepeceng Team

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dear Users...

Dear Cepeceng Users,

We have to temporarily close this site, due to unfortunate action of harvesting of content by community member.
During this difficult time, we have to determine, how we can generate income to help cover the cost, a few of our users decided to waste our bandwidth by creating masive traffic.
This increased our cost tremendously.

Unless it is justified by getting revenue of about USD 1000 a month, we can not continue this site.

We will decide to return this site under few condition:
1. 100 users at USD 10 per month
2. Only those who sign up and paid will have access.
3. You can not use any downloader software.

You are welcome to send email or paypal your donation to

If in the next 30 days we can get 100 at USD 10 or 200 at USD 5 paying users, then we will return the site back to service with limited access to those who pay.

Unfortunately to serve these paying members appropriately, we will not have FREE service anymore.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Poll Ongkos-ongkos

Wah saya terpaksa turunkan Poll yang kemaren. Banyak sekali yang pilih "Keep it Free!", tapi seenaknya aja pilih itu, padahal saya maunya kalian untuk memberikan ide bagaimana untuk nutupin ongkos-ongkos kita ini.

Oke dech..segitu aja komplennya...update are coming soon...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kemana updatenya?

Kawan-kawan pembaca setia, kami sudah 5 minggu tidak memasukan update majalah. Ada beberapa hal yang kami ingin sampaikan untuk memajukan website
  1. Publisher Partnerships
    Kami terbuka untuk berkerja-sama dengan publisher yang ingin mempunyai online magazine/newspaper. Silahkan kontak kami di Contact Us.
    Bila Anda sebagai pembaca setia mempunyai saudara/teman yang berhubungan dengan publisher, silahkan inform mereka tentang
  2. Hosting Cost
    Saat ini ongkos bandwidth dan storage itu lumayan besar, dan penghasilan daripada iklan sama sekali tidak menutupi. Kami hanya bisa mendapatkan USD 0.07 seminggu.
  3. Magazines Cost
    Ongkos majalah dan pengiriman juga tidak tertutupi dengan iklan.

Oleh karena itu, kami membuka survey poll baru untuk Anda memberikan/memilih ide yang kami bisa coba untuk menutupi ongkos2 tersebut. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya, dan tentu saja kami juga menerima donasi(donation) melalui Paypal di

Berapa banyak yang visit Cepeceng?

Setiap hari sejak 9 Juli 2008, kami melayani rata-rata 800 visitor unik. Kami merasa angka ini masih kecil, walaupun sudah double dibandingkan 400 unique visitor di bulan-bulan sebelumnya. Nah kami meminta kalian 800 unique visitor ini untuk men-double-kan angka ini menjadi 1600. Kalau bisa muluk-muluk 2000 dech... :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Baca Komik Jepang

Karena layout komik jepang itu dibaca dari kanan ke kiri, kami telah menampilkannya begitu juga. Pada saat loading, kamu akan langsung dibawa ke halaman terakhir, dimana itu sebenarnya adalah halaman pertama.

Seperti dibawah ini,

Ayo bantu kembangin Cepeceng